Android Survey SDK

Android Library for survey which enables you to integrate feedback into Android app using few lines of code.

Find Github Project: QwarySurveyAndroid


Create a QwarySurvey Builder Object

Survey builder = new Survey.Builder()

Then set the fields you want.

  new Survey.Builder()
                .setLoader(true) //For loading bar visibility
                .setModal(false) //For full and half view
                .setStartAfter(TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(1L)) //To start survey after 1 minute

To add query params like this.

  new Survey.Builder()
                .setParam("email", "")
                .setParam("planId", "plan1")

You can prepare the schedule survey to start after HOURS or DAYS

.setStartAfter(TimeUnit.HOURS.toMillis(1L)) //To start after 1 hour
.setStartAfter(TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(1L)) //To start after 1 day

To show the the survey at once without any delay

  new Survey.Builder()

To remove the specific survey from schedule

new Survey.Builder().setActivity(this).clear("token");

Add below into app gradle

  android {
    compileOptions {
        sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
        targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8

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