
Qwary's Text AI is a powerful text analysis tool. Text AI Topic will automatically tag your responses. It will let you create themes in feedback and generate valuable insights around volume and sentimental AI Trends on individual vs. overall topics.

1. Go to Qwary - Analytics

2. Click on Create Topic

3. Type in highlight

Business drivers/departments make up good topics to measure.

For example, if you are into the hotel business, create topics on Service, Staff, Location, Restaurant, etc. That way, you can measure against your driver/department how they trend and what your customers feel about them. You can use that information to make more considerable organizational changes to improve that and track the result in the topics reporting.

4. Type in highlight

Add terms mentioned by your audience and group them in topics by appending with ',

5. Click on Create

6. Click on Add New Topic

Continue adding more topics

7. Type in highlight

8. Click on Create

9. Click on Add New Topic

10. Type in highlight

11. Click on Create

12. Topic Volume Trend

Once you are done creating topics, you can see how often your audience, in their feedback, discusses these topics.

13. Topic Sentiment Trend

You can also track their sentiments trending over some time. You can see in this that customer sentiment around food is trending low for this hotel business. It may be reasons due to staff change or shortage that lead to bad food quality.

14. Responses

You can also analyze feedback used by Text AI for these topics. You can find meaningful information about creating new topics from these responses and track them in their topic category.

15. Expand on each topics

Click on the topic

16. Topic Keywords

17. Topic Volume Change

18. Topic Sentiment Change

19. Find more Topics to Track

20. Click on Add New Topic

Add them for Measurement

21. Click on Create

22. Topic Volume Change

23. Change Driver Question

You can also change driver questions for a more holistic study around loyalty, satisfaction, and sentiments.

24. Texts AI Topic is very powerful tool.

It will save you a lot of time and resources by reducing efforts in analyzing hundreds of feedback and new opportunities by identifying gaps in customer & employee experiences.

Last updated